Meet Lauren Hughes, our Assistant Head Brewer. Lauren came to us about 7 months ago after working for Rock Bottom Brewery in Homestead. She recently completed the Brewing & Malting Sciences Course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Looking to further her brewing education, Lauren was fortunate enough to be the scholarship recipient from Master Brewers Association - Pittsburgh District. Lauren learned a lot during the two-week class and looks forward to getting to work on perfecting our new and classic beers. Get to know who makes our fine Penn beers.
Learn more about Lauren below.
Q1 - What started your love for brewing and how many years have you been doing it?
A1 - "I was introduced to craft beer while hanging out with my best friend. A few years after hanging out and drinking and chatting about craft beers he told me I could brew beer at home. I immediately got a homebrew kit and started brewing. I instantly fell in love with it. I've been homebrewing for about 13 years and professionally brewing for about 3."

Q2 - What was one takeaway from the Brewing & Malting course you recently took?
A1 - "I took away so many things from this course. I got to delve into lots of technical aspects of brewing as well as brewing science that really pushed my brewing knowledge further. My biggest takeaways are getting more in-depth in the technical aspects of brewing and brewing science as well as the great group of other brewers I got to network with."
Q3 - What's your favorite Penn beer to make & favorite beer to drink?

A3 - "I love making recipes on the small-batch system. So far my favorite is the Schwarzbier. It's awesome to have some creativity and see something from start to finish that folks are enjoying. My favorite beer to drink is Kaiser Pils."
Q4 - Is there any advice you would give to aspiring brewers looking to get into the industry?
A4 - "I'd say always keep at it, network and work hard. If you're able to take a class or get some education it will put you that much further and make you stand out when trying to get into the industry. I've benefited so much from joining brewing organizations. The Master Brewers Association has been a great group for networking and education along with the Pink Boot Society being a great resource for women trying to get into the industry."

We're thankful to have Lauren as part of our brewing team and look forward to all the excellent brews she'll make in the future.